Child Resistant Closures Market
Chemicals and Materials

Child Resistant Closures Market Need ,Growth and Global Analysis

Benefits of Line Drying Over Machine/Tumble Drying

Due to the high incidence of accidental poisoning in children under the age of six years old as few medicines appear attractive to them due to their distinct color and small size. Government regulatory procedures like the FDA in some of the key nations have led to a positive impact on this industry. Though the market seems optimistic in the coming years, preventing children from gaining easy access to medicinal products will not be easy to overcome.  According to Research from the European Child Safety Alliance, every year, 3,000 children under the age of 14 die from acute poisoning in the European Union. However, many countries have imposed strict regulations to control acute poisoning. For instance, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission imposed the Poison Prevention Packaging Act in 1970. This act is to prevent accidental hazardous or accidental ingestions and to ensure childs safety. Such strict laws and regulations are advising manufacturers to use child-resistant closures to protect children from accidental drug poisoning, thereby driving the growth of the child-resistant closures market.

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