つけまつげ製品市場 - 2031年の成長予測、統計および事実

  • Report Code : TIPRE00030030
  • Category : Consumer Goods
  • Status : Published
  • No. of Pages : 182
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【調査レポート】つけまつげ市場規模は2022年に84億8,419万米ドルと評価され、2030年までに121億1,521万米ドルに達すると予想されています。 2022 年から 2030 年までに 4.6% の CAGR が記録されると推定されています。





国際がん研究機関 (IARC) の推計によると、 2018年、世界中で1,700万人の新たながん患者と950万人のがんによる死亡が報告されました。ライフスタイルや食習慣の変化、アルコール摂取、喫煙により、2040年までに新たながんの症例数と死亡者数はそれぞれ2,750万人、1,630万人に増加すると予想されている。不健康な食事の増加、喫煙依存症の増加、運動不足などにより、経済的に過渡期にある国では将来、その負担はさらに大きくなる可能性があります。


製品市場の成長は、がんとがんが患者に及ぼす影響に対する意識と理解を高めることによっても促進されます。支援団体、医療センター、地域社会の取り組みは、がん患者向けのウィッグやエクステの入手可能性とその利点を積極的に宣伝し、力を与える選択肢としてつけ毛製品を採用するよう奨励してきました。インドのチェンナイに本拠を置く民間慈善信託であるチェリアン財団(TCF)は、「ギフト・ヘア・ギフト・コンフィデンス」と呼ばれるキャンペーンを開始した。このキャンペーンでは、トラストはダブール アムラ ヘア オイルと協力して、2022 年の世界がんデーに毛髪寄付およびかつら寄付活動を実施しました。このキャンペーンは、がんに対する偏見を根絶し、女性のがんの早期発見を促進することを目的としていました。このキャンペーンは、恵まれないがん患者に150個のかつらを無料で提供し、彼らが新たな自信を持って人生に立ち向かえるように支援することを目的としています。したがって、がん治療による脱毛症例の増加が、偽毛製品市場の成長を促進しています。

毛髪産業における非倫理的な慣行により、毛髪の違法販売や報酬の減額などの禁止行為が生じています。毛髪産業で働く労働者の数。毛髪の主な販売先は、中国、インド、東ヨーロッパ諸国などの国々の村を巡回し、貧困に苦しむ女性に毛髪を手放すための少額の支払いを提供する小規模な代理店や仲介業者だ。最近の研究によると、低所得地域で経済的に困難に直面している個人が髪を売っています。インドでは、毛髪の販売に関連したさまざまな非倫理的な行為が行われています。たとえば、スラム街の子供たちはおもちゃと引き換えに頭を剃るよう誤解されています。時々、夫が妻に髪を売るよう強制することがあります。さらに、密輸業者さえも陸路を介してインド原産の生の人毛を中国に違法に取引している。この土地を密輸することで、28% 以上の輸入税が免除される一方で、生の未処理の人毛の毛髪を分離して隔離する子供たちにはわずかな負担がかかります。したがって、前述のすべての要因は世界の偽毛製品市場に悪影響を及ぼします。



世界のつけまつげ製品市場は、製品の種類、素材、エンドユーザーに基づいて分割されています。 、流通チャネル、地理。偽毛製品市場は、製品の種類に基づいて、ヘアエクステンション、ヘアウィッグ、ヘアピースに分類されます。偽毛製品市場は素材ごとに人毛と人工毛に二分されます。エンドユーザーに基づいて、市場は男性、女性、子供に分類されます。流通チャネルに基づいて、市場はスーパーマーケットとハイパーマーケット、専門店、オンライン小売などに分類されます。世界の偽毛製品市場は地理的に、北米、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、中東およびアフリカ、南米および中央アメリカに大きく分割されています。


br> 製品の種類に基づいて、偽毛製品市場はヘアエクステンション、ヘアウィッグ、ヘアピースに分類されます。ヘアエクステンションセグメントは、予測期間中に最高の CAGR を記録すると予想されます。ヘアエクステンションは、美容とファッションの世界において革命的なソリューションとなっています。自然な髪に瞬時に長さ、ボリューム、さらにはハイライトを加えることができるため、さまざまな外観を実現する多用途な方法を提供します。ヘアエクステンションセグメントの市場は、ヘアスタイルを素早く一時的に変更したいという需要の高まりにより急速に成長しています。ソーシャル メディア プラットフォーム、美容インフルエンサー、有名人は定期的にさまざまなヘアスタイルを紹介し、個人が自分の外見を試してみるよう促しています。さらに、ヘアエクステンションは、髪の短い人や、髪の量を増やしたい細い髪や薄い髪の人にも対応します。エクステンションの品質と多様性が向上し続け、創造的な表現の手段としてエクステンションを使用するという考えが人々に受け入れられるにつれて、ヘアエクステンション部門のつけ毛製品市場は今後数年間で拡大すると予想されています。


つけまつげ製品市場は、北米、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、南米および中央アメリカ、中東およびアフリカの5つの主要地域に分割されています。 。世界のつけまつげ製品市場は北米が独占しており、地域市場は2022年に29億9,552万米ドルを占めました。ヨーロッパは世界市場の29%以上のシェアを保持する2番目の主要国です。アジア太平洋地域は、予測期間中に 5% 以上の大幅な CAGR を記録すると予想されます。アジア太平洋地域のつけまつげ製品市場は、中国、インド、日本、韓国、オーストラリアに分割されています。インド、中国、日本では、ストレス、自己免疫疾患(脱毛症)、公害、真菌感染症、がん、ホルモンバランスの乱れ、多嚢胞性卵巣症候群(POS)などが原因で脱毛に悩む人が増えており、偽装脱毛の需要が高まっています。外観を改善するためのソリューションとしてのヘア製品。ウィッグとエクステの製造技術と素材の進歩により、品質が向上し、見た目がリアルなウィッグが消費者に選ばれるようになりました。 Evergreen Products Group Ltd、Henan Ruimei Products Co Ltd、Artnature Co Ltd、および Lordhair Co Ltd は、アジア太平洋地域のつけまつげ製品市場を支配する主要メーカーの 1 つです。さらに、この地域のこれらの大手メーカーは、市場での存在感を拡大することを継続的に楽しみにしています。




Evergreen Products Group Ltd、Hairuwear Inc 、Henan Ruimei Products Co Ltd、Artnature Co Ltd、Shake-N-Go Inc、Papillon Hair World、Locks & Bonds、Klix Hair Inc、Easihair Pro、Balmain Hair Group BV は、世界的なつけまつげ製品を扱う著名な企業です。市場。
Report Coverage
Report Coverage

Revenue forecast, Company Analysis, Industry landscape, Growth factors, and Trends

Segment Covered
Segment Covered

This text is related
to segments covered.

Regional Scope
Regional Scope

North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, South & Central America

Country Scope
Country Scope

This text is related
to country scope.

Frequently Asked Questions

Based on the material, which segment led the global false hair products market in 2022?

Based on material, the false hair products market is bifurcated into human hair and synthetic hair. By end user, the market is segmented into men, women, and kids. Based on distribution channel, the false hair products market is segmented into supermarkets and hypermarkets, specialty stores, online retail, and others. By geography, the global false hair products market is broadly segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East & Africa, and South & Central America.

What are the trends observed in the global false hair products market?

Social media platforms have integrated shopping facilities, which allow several influencers and hairstylists to promote and sell false hair products online. Consumers tend to purchase false hair products and skin-related products to enhance their appearance on social media platforms. Moreover, the growing adoption of false hair products by famous Hollywood and social media celebrities, especially in emerging countries such as China and India, influences viewers to use false hair products to create looks inspired by these celebrities.
Several false hair products companies prefer Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and other social media platforms to endorse their brand and work. Such organizations record clients' best hair transformation videos and upload them on social media platforms to showcase their work and reach target consumers. Secret Hair is one such company that has grown through social media by showcasing its work and using appropriate hashtags to reach the desired consumers. Instagram is among the most used social media platforms to sell false hair products. False hair products are best shown off in consumer-generated content, where they exhibit their hair wig or hair extension in video and picture tutorials. Therefore, the rising use of social media platforms to promote false hair products is expected to bolster the false hair products market in the coming years.

Which product type segment is the fastest growing in the hair extension globally?

Based on product type, the false hair products market is segmented into hair extension, hair wig, and hair pieces. The hair extension segment is expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Hair extensions have become a revolutionary solution in the beauty and fashion world. With the ability to instantly add length, volume, and even highlights to natural hair, they offer a versatile way to achieve a variety of looks. The market for the hair extensions segment is experiencing rapid growth due to the increasing demand for quick and temporary hairstyle changes. Social media platforms, beauty influencers, and celebrities regularly showcase different hairstyles, inspiring individuals to experiment with their appearance. Moreover, hair extensions cater to those with shorter hair and to people with fine or thin hair seeking additional volume. As the quality and variety of extensions continue to improve and people embrace the idea of using extensions as a means of creative expression, the false hair products market for the hair extensions segment is expected to expand in the coming years.

Can you list some major players operating in the global false hair products market?

The major players operating in the global false hair products market are Evergreen Products Group Ltd, Hairuwear Inc, Henan Ruimei Products Co Ltd, Artnature Co Ltd, Shake-N-Go Inc, Papillon Hair World, Locks & Bonds, Klix Hair Inc, Easihair Pro, and Balmain Hair Group BV, among others.

In 2022, which region held the largest share of the global false hair products market?

In 2022, North America region accounted for the largest share of the global false hair products market. The false hair products market in North America is segmented into the US, Canada, and Mexico. The market is growing due to the increasing demand for trending hair products such as wigs, extensions, etc. and the rising prevalence of hair loss issues due to aging, stressful schedules, and medical conditions. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, the common cause of hair loss is hereditary-patterned baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia. In this type of hair loss, hair thinning occurs first, and then total hair loss develops on some areas of the scalp. This condition has affected ~80 million Americans—50 million men and 30 million women. Rising hair loss issues among Americans have driven the demand for false hair products across North America. Therefore, the region accounted for a remarkable share of the global false hair products market in 2022.

Many domestic and international false hair products companies have a strong foothold in North America. HairUWear Inc, Shake-N-Go Inc, UniWigs Inc, and Indique Hair LLC are among the key players operating in the North American false hair products market. Key participants operating in the regional market continuously enhance their overall business processes to meet the rising customer demands. Also, key manufacturers in the region focus on developing innovative and stylish false hair products to attract new consumers. This gives them a huge opportunity to expand their business in North American countries such as the US, Canada, and Mexico. Consumers in the region mainly prefer advanced forms of false hair products. Manufacturers in the region are investing heavily in the research and development of false hair products, which is expected to boost its market in North America. In March 2023, HairUWear Inc launched 'Textured Hair Wigs' in the US. Celebrity Hairstylist Kim Kimble has joined forces with HairUWear Inc to create the wig collection, designed specifically for those with textured hair. The collection has eight styles in 14 shades, ranging in price from US$ 299 to US$ 479. Hair wigs and extensions have gained popularity as a fashion accessory, allowing North Americans to experiment with different hairstyles and colors without committing to permanent changes. Additionally, demand for false hair products has upsurged across North America due to growing celebrity fashion trends and elevated grooming and beauty activities. Caucasian consumers from North America generally hold higher incomes than customers in other regions. They also pay more attention to the quality of their hair products, which propels the demand for human false hair products. These above-mentioned factors boost the false hair products market in North America.

What are the drivers for the growth of the global false hair products market?

Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and some other medical treatments for cancer are designed to target rapidly dividing cells, which unfortunately include hair follicles. As a result, patients undergoing cancer treatment often experience significant hair loss, which can be emotionally distressing and affect their self-esteem.
According to estimates from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), in 2018, 17.0 million new cancer cases and 9.5 million cancer deaths were reported across the world. By 2040, the new cancer cases and deaths are expected to grow to 27.5 million and 16.3 million, respectively, due to the changing lifestyles, dietary habits, alcohol, smoking, etc. The burden will probably be even more significant in economically transitioning countries in the future due to the increasing consumption of unhealthy diets, rising addiction to smoking, and physical inactivity.
The demand for false hair products has significantly increased due to the prevalent hair loss caused by cancer treatments. False hair products such as wigs, extensions, etc. provide an effective solution for patients looking to maintain their appearance and regain some sense of normalcy amidst their battle with cancer. To meet the needs of cancer patients, false hair products market players are offering a wide range of products, including natural hair wigs, synthetic wigs, synthetic hair extensions and hair pieces, natural hair extensions and hair pieces, and personalized designs. False hair products manufacturers have improved the quality and comfort of their products, ensuring that cancer patients have access to comfortable and realistic-looking false hair products that help boost their confidence during a challenging period.
The false hair products market growth is also driven by increasing awareness and understanding of cancer and its effects on patients. Support organizations, medical centers, and community initiatives have actively promoted the availability and benefits of wigs and extensions for cancer patients, encouraging them to embrace false hair products as an empowering option. The Cherian Foundation (TCF), a private charitable trust based out of Chennai, India, started a campaign called "Gift Hair Gift Confidence." In this campaign, the trust joined hands with Dabur Amla Hair Oil to conduct a hair donation and wig donation drive on World Cancer Day 2022. The campaign aimed to eradicate the stigma around cancer and encourage early cancer detection among women. This campaign is committed to provide 150 wigs free of cost to underprivileged cancer patients to help them face life with renewed confidence. Therefore, the increasing hair loss cases due to cancer treatments drive the false hair products market growth.

The List of Companies - False Hair Products Market

  1. Evergreen Products Group Ltd
  2. Hairuwear Inc
  3. Henan Ruimei Products Co Ltd
  4. Artnature Co Ltd
  5. Shake-N-Go Inc
  6. Papillon Hair World
  7. Locks & Bonds
  8. Klix Hair Inc
  9. Easihair Pro
  10. Balmain Hair Group BV,

The Insight Partners performs research in 4 major stages: Data Collection & Secondary Research, Primary Research, Data Analysis and Data Triangulation & Final Review.

  1. Data Collection and Secondary Research:

As a market research and consulting firm operating from a decade, we have published and advised several client across the globe. First step for any study will start with an assessment of currently available data and insights from existing reports. Further, historical and current market information is collected from Investor Presentations, Annual Reports, SEC Filings, etc., and other information related to company’s performance and market positioning are gathered from Paid Databases (Factiva, Hoovers, and Reuters) and various other publications available in public domain.

Several associations trade associates, technical forums, institutes, societies and organization are accessed to gain technical as well as market related insights through their publications such as research papers, blogs and press releases related to the studies are referred to get cues about the market. Further, white papers, journals, magazines, and other news articles published in last 3 years are scrutinized and analyzed to understand the current market trends.

  1. Primary Research:

The primarily interview analysis comprise of data obtained from industry participants interview and answers to survey questions gathered by in-house primary team.

For primary research, interviews are conducted with industry experts/CEOs/Marketing Managers/VPs/Subject Matter Experts from both demand and supply side to get a 360-degree view of the market. The primary team conducts several interviews based on the complexity of the markets to understand the various market trends and dynamics which makes research more credible and precise.

A typical research interview fulfils the following functions:

  • Provides first-hand information on the market size, market trends, growth trends, competitive landscape, and outlook
  • Validates and strengthens in-house secondary research findings
  • Develops the analysis team’s expertise and market understanding

Primary research involves email interactions and telephone interviews for each market, category, segment, and sub-segment across geographies. The participants who typically take part in such a process include, but are not limited to:

  • Industry participants: VPs, business development managers, market intelligence managers and national sales managers
  • Outside experts: Valuation experts, research analysts and key opinion leaders specializing in the electronics and semiconductor industry.

Below is the breakup of our primary respondents by company, designation, and region:

Research Methodology

Once we receive the confirmation from primary research sources or primary respondents, we finalize the base year market estimation and forecast the data as per the macroeconomic and microeconomic factors assessed during data collection.

  1. Data Analysis:

Once data is validated through both secondary as well as primary respondents, we finalize the market estimations by hypothesis formulation and factor analysis at regional and country level.

  • Macro-Economic Factor Analysis:

We analyse macroeconomic indicators such the gross domestic product (GDP), increase in the demand for goods and services across industries, technological advancement, regional economic growth, governmental policies, the influence of COVID-19, PEST analysis, and other aspects. This analysis aids in setting benchmarks for various nations/regions and approximating market splits. Additionally, the general trend of the aforementioned components aid in determining the market's development possibilities.

  • Country Level Data:

Various factors that are especially aligned to the country are taken into account to determine the market size for a certain area and country, including the presence of vendors, such as headquarters and offices, the country's GDP, demand patterns, and industry growth. To comprehend the market dynamics for the nation, a number of growth variables, inhibitors, application areas, and current market trends are researched. The aforementioned elements aid in determining the country's overall market's growth potential.

  • Company Profile:

The “Table of Contents” is formulated by listing and analyzing more than 25 - 30 companies operating in the market ecosystem across geographies. However, we profile only 10 companies as a standard practice in our syndicate reports. These 10 companies comprise leading, emerging, and regional players. Nonetheless, our analysis is not restricted to the 10 listed companies, we also analyze other companies present in the market to develop a holistic view and understand the prevailing trends. The “Company Profiles” section in the report covers key facts, business description, products & services, financial information, SWOT analysis, and key developments. The financial information presented is extracted from the annual reports and official documents of the publicly listed companies. Upon collecting the information for the sections of respective companies, we verify them via various primary sources and then compile the data in respective company profiles. The company level information helps us in deriving the base number as well as in forecasting the market size.

  • Developing Base Number:

Aggregation of sales statistics (2020-2022) and macro-economic factor, and other secondary and primary research insights are utilized to arrive at base number and related market shares for 2022. The data gaps are identified in this step and relevant market data is analyzed, collected from paid primary interviews or databases. On finalizing the base year market size, forecasts are developed on the basis of macro-economic, industry and market growth factors and company level analysis.

  1. Data Triangulation and Final Review:

The market findings and base year market size calculations are validated from supply as well as demand side. Demand side validations are based on macro-economic factor analysis and benchmarks for respective regions and countries. In case of supply side validations, revenues of major companies are estimated (in case not available) based on industry benchmark, approximate number of employees, product portfolio, and primary interviews revenues are gathered. Further revenue from target product/service segment is assessed to avoid overshooting of market statistics. In case of heavy deviations between supply and demand side values, all thes steps are repeated to achieve synchronization.

We follow an iterative model, wherein we share our research findings with Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) until consensus view of the market is not formulated – this model negates any drastic deviation in the opinions of experts. Only validated and universally acceptable research findings are quoted in our reports.

We have important check points that we use to validate our research findings – which we call – data triangulation, where we validate the information, we generate from secondary sources with primary interviews and then we re-validate with our internal data bases and Subject matter experts. This comprehensive model enables us to deliver high quality, reliable data in shortest possible time.

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