生理用品市場 - 2031年の成長予測、統計および事実

  • Report Code : TIPRE00006970
  • Category : Consumer Goods
  • Status : Published
  • No. of Pages : 185
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[調査レポート] 生理用品市場は、2022 年に 267 億 3,333 万米ドルと評価され、2030 年までに 363 億 529 万米ドルに達すると予測されています。 2022 年から 2030 年までに 3.9% の CAGR を記録すると予想されています。


ヨーロッパの生理用品市場は主に急増によって牽引されています。個人の衛生状態を維持し、女性の衛生に関する統治機関による取り組みを強化することへの意識を高めます。また、さまざまな政府の取り組みやソーシャルメディアキャンペーンにより、女性の個人衛生に対する意識が高まっています。これらの取り組みやキャンペーンは、女性用衛生製品に対する理解と受け入れの向上に貢献します。したがって、個人の衛生に対する意識の高まりが女性用衛生製品市場の成長を促進しています。北米、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋などの地域は、Edgewell Personal Care Co、Kimberly-Clark Corp、Lune Group Oy Ltd、Me Luna Gmbh、Mooncup Ltd、Ontex BV、Essity Ab、Wuka Ltd、Cotton High Tech SL のハブです。 、およびThe Procter & Gamble Coは、女性用衛生製品の高い需要を生み出しています。したがって、このような企業の存在が世界の婦人用衛生製品市場の成長を推進しています。


主要な市場プレーヤーによる戦略的取り組みが世界の婦人用衛生製品の市場を推進しています。製品市場の成長。メーカーは、大規模な消費者ベースを引きつける革新的な製品を発売するために、研究開発プロジェクト、パートナーシップ、拡張計画、コラボレーションに多額の投資を行っています。たとえば、2020 年 6 月、ピー セーフは、下着用消毒スプレー、再利用可能な生理用ナプキン、オキソ生分解性の使い捨てバッグ、親密な衛生用パウダーなど、新しい一連の親密な衛生製品を発売しました。主要な市場プレーヤーは、自社の製品ポートフォリオと地理的プレゼンスを拡大するために、合併や買収などの戦略的取り組みを採用しています。たとえば、2022 年 11 月、Edgewell Personal Care 社は Billie Inc. の買収を発表しました。この買収は、最高級のフェミニン シェーブおよびボディケア ブランドの製品ポートフォリオを拡大することを目的としていました。

さらに、自然できれいな髪。化学物質の有害な影響に対する認識が高まり、環境に優しくクリーンなパーソナルケア製品を使用する傾向が高まっているため、除去製品は世界中で人気が高まっています。この傾向により、メーカーは顧客の要求に基づいて天然製品を開発するようになりました。たとえば、Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc は 2022 年に Veet Pure シリーズの除毛クリームを発売し、その製品を再配合しました。製品範囲には、天然キュウリ抽出物、アロエベラ、グレープシードオイルが含まれています。したがって、増大する消費者の需要に応えるためのこのような製品の発売やその他の戦略は、市場の成長を促進します。



> 世界の女性用衛生製品市場は、製品の種類、流通チャネル、地理に基づいて分割されています。製品タイプに基づいて、女性用衛生製品市場は、月経ケア製品、洗浄および消臭製品、および女性用衛生下着に分類されます。流通チャネルに基づいて、女性用衛生製品市場は、スーパーマーケットとハイパーマーケット、ドラッグストアと薬局、健康と美容の店、オンライン小売などに分類されます。地理に基づいた生理用品市場は、北米(米国、カナダ、メキシコ)、ヨーロッパ(ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、英国、ロシア、その他のヨーロッパ)、アジア太平洋(オーストラリア、中国、日本、インド)に分割されています。 、韓国、およびその他のアジア太平洋地域)、中東およびアフリカ(南アフリカ、サウジアラビア、UAE、およびその他の中東およびアフリカ)、南および中央アメリカ(ブラジル、アルゼンチン、およびその他の南中米) ).



月経ケア製品は通常廃棄され、埋め立て地に送られ、膨大な量の廃棄物が発生します。非生分解性。その結果、マイクロプラスチックの形で環境中に残留し、水生および陸上の生態系に重大な脅威をもたらします。この懸念に対する意識の高まりにより、多くの人が月経カップや月経ディスク、布製の再利用可能なパッドなどの再利用可能な月経用品に切り替えています。 BBC ウェブサイトと Google トレンドの検索語インデックスに掲載された記事によると、再利用可能な期限切れ商品の検索が年々増加しています。


地理に基づいて、生理用品市場は、北米、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、中南米、中東およびアフリカの 5 つの主要地域に分かれています。世界の生理用品市場は北米が独占しており、2022年には約50億米ドルを記録しました。欧州は世界市場の20%以上のシェアを保持する2番目の主要国です。アジア太平洋地域は、予測期間中に 5% 以上の CAGR で成長すると予想されます。北米の生理用品市場は、米国、カナダ、メキシコに分割されています。北米における生理用品市場の成長は、女性の生活水準の向上、衛生習慣の改善、収入レベルの向上によるものと考えられています。業界では女性用衛生製品の継続的な革新が見られ、顧客のさまざまなニーズや好みに応えるために企業が改良された新製品を発表しています。さらに、プラスチック人口の増加や地球温暖化などの環境問題への関心の高まりにより、女性は持続可能で環境に優しい製品を選ぶようになりました。北米では、毎年約 200 億個の生理用ナプキン、タンポン、アプリケーターが埋め立て地に送られています。月経カップや布ナプキンなどの製品は、コストパフォーマンスと環境負荷の低減で人気を集めています。持続可能で環境に優しい女性用衛生製品に対する需要の急増により、製品革新が行われ、市場に製品が投入されています。たとえば、2022 年 12 月に、Trace Femcare は、Climate Beneficial Cotton と再生麻繊維タンポンの発売を発表しました。これらの製品は、プラスチック人口の増加と、使い捨てではないタンポンによって引き起こされる地球温暖化に対処しました。したがって、上記のすべての要因は、北米全体の婦人用衛生製品市場の成長に影響を与えます。



2021 年 11 月、Ontex BV は中国で自社ブランド NAT を立ち上げました。発売された製品は、タンポン、タオル、パンティライナー、生理用パンツでした。2021 年 5 月、キンバリー クラーク ブランドのポイズは、ホイットニー ポートとの提携を発表し、2-in-1 ライナーとパッドを発売しました。新型コロナウイルス感染症 (COVID-19) の影響:

新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)のパンデミックが始まる前は、女性の識字率の上昇と月経衛生に対する意識の高まりが主に女性用衛生製品市場を牽引しました。しかし、消費財業界は2020年の第1四半期にパンデミックによる悪影響を経験しました。また、新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)のパンデミックは2020年の最初の数か月間で経済不況を引き起こし、低所得者と中所得者の消費者に経済的困難をもたらしました。 。その結果、人々は食料品や重要な医療品などの主要な必需品のみを購入し、女性用衛生用品の売上が減少しました。

最初の規制の後に各国政府が規制を緩和したため、多くの企業が回復しました。 2020 年は数か月間ロックダウンが続きました。新型コロナウイルス感染症ワクチンの導入により、パンデミックの悲惨な状況がさらに緩和され、企業活動の増加につながりました。製造部門の操業再開は生理用品市場にプラスの影響を与え、生理用品の生産回復につながりました。メーカーは、総生産能力での操業が許可されたため、需要と供給のギャップを克服しました。


世界的なフェミニンな分野で活動する著名なプレーヤーの一部衛生製品市場には、Edgewell Personal Care Co、Kimberly-Clark Corp、Lune Group Oy Ltd、Me Luna Gmbh、Mooncup Ltd、Ontex Bv、Essity Ab、Wuka Ltd、Cotton High Tech SL、The Procter & Gamble Co.などが含まれます。これらの企業は、消費者に優れた体験を提供する革新的な機能を備えた最先端の女性用衛生製品を提供しています。
Report Coverage
Report Coverage

Revenue forecast, Company Analysis, Industry landscape, Growth factors, and Trends

Segment Covered
Segment Covered

This text is related
to segments covered.

Regional Scope
Regional Scope

North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, South & Central America

Country Scope
Country Scope

This text is related
to country scope.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key drivers for the growth of the global feminine hygiene products market?

Rising awareness of menstrual hygiene are driving the feminine hygiene products market. In recent times, the women population in globally has become more aware of menstrual hygiene, particularly among the working class. Since 2012, several public health organizations have started focusing on menstruation hygiene management (MHM). Grassroots workers, social entrepreneurs, and United Nations agencies are also contributing to this noble cause. For example, in May 2013, WASH United conducted a 28-day social media campaign called "May #MENSTRAVAGANZA" on Twitter to generate awareness about menstruation and MHM. In January 2021, Raigarh district in Chhattisgarh, India, announced the launch of ‘Pavna,’ a unique community-based menstrual hygiene program.

Can you list some of the major players operating in the global feminine hygiene products market?

The major players operating in the global feminine hygiene products market are Edgewell Personal Care Co, Kimberly-Clark Corp, Lune Group Oy Ltd, Me Luna GmbH, Mooncup Ltd, Ontex BV, Essity AB, Wuka Ltd, Cotton High Tech SL, The Procter & Gamble Co.

Based on the distribution channel, which segment is projected to grow at the fastest CAGR over the forecast period?

Based on the distribution channel, online retail segment is projected to grow at the fastest CAGR over the forecast period. E-commerce platforms are preferred by consumers owing to the convenience of shopping various products from remote locations, availability of a wide range of products of different brands, exclusive discounts and offers on these sites, and home delivery services (free or paid) offered by these platforms. Additionally, online platforms provide product descriptions, user reviews, and ratings, which help consumers choose the right product. Innovative feminine hygiene products such as menstrual cups, reusable period and incontinence underwear, menstrual discs, and tampon applicators are widely available across e-commerce channels.

What are the opportunities for feminine hygiene products in the global market?

Initiatives by governments and organizations to provide opportunities in the coming years for the feminine hygiene products. The increasing prices of feminine hygiene products owing to higher taxes prevent consumers from buying them. Thus, they search for alternatives, which can hamper their health. However, with increasing awareness about feminine hygiene, various governments of globally are taking various initiatives, such as reducing taxes on feminine hygiene products and distributing them free of cost. For instance, in Germany, the tax rate on sanitary items was cut from 19% to 7% as of 1 January 2020. Ireland levies no value-added tax on tampons, panty liners, and sanitary towels. Ireland is the only EU country with a zero-tax rate on sanitary goods. Thus, reducing taxes on feminine hygiene products accelerates their demand across the region.

What is the largest region of the global feminine hygiene products market?

Asia Pacific accounted for the largest share of the global feminine hygiene products market. In Europe, the rapidly changing lifestyles of consumers are making them opt for convenient food solutions and ready-to-eat products such as frozen food, feminine hygiene products, biscuits, cookies, etc. The demand for feminine hygiene products is significantly increasing across the region owing to the established status of bakery products as a staple food in many European countries such as Germany, Russia, France, Italy, and the UK, making Europe one of the major markets of feminine hygiene products. Also, the growing health consciousness among Europeans is boosting the demand for feminine hygiene products containing fibers, vitamins and minerals, whole grains, vegetables, and gluten-free bakery products such as gluten-free functional and gluten-free artisanal feminine hygiene products.

Based on the product type, why does the menstrual care products segment have the largest revenue share?

Based on products type, menstrual care products segment mainly has the largest revenue share. Menstrual care products include sanitary pads/napkins, tampons, menstrual cups, reusable cloth pads, liners, and menstrual discs. Sanitary pads and tampons are among the most widely used products by females during menstruation. They are made of materials such as cellulosic fibers; synthetic polymers such as polyester, polyethylene, and polypropylene; cotton; and superabsorbent polymers. Products made from superabsorbent polymers absorb low to heavy period flow and allow women to perform their daily chores and other physically rigorous activities, such as playing and traveling, without the stress of leakage and stains.

The List of Companies - Feminine Hygiene Products Market

  1. Edgewell Personal Care Co.
  2. Kimberly-Clark Corp
  3. Lune Group Oy Ltd
  4. Me Luna GmbH
  5. Mooncup Ltd
  6. Ontex BV
  7. Essity AB
  8. Wuka Ltd
  9. Cotton High Tech SL
  10. The Procter & Gamble Co

The Insight Partners performs research in 4 major stages: Data Collection & Secondary Research, Primary Research, Data Analysis and Data Triangulation & Final Review.

  1. Data Collection and Secondary Research:

As a market research and consulting firm operating from a decade, we have published and advised several client across the globe. First step for any study will start with an assessment of currently available data and insights from existing reports. Further, historical and current market information is collected from Investor Presentations, Annual Reports, SEC Filings, etc., and other information related to company’s performance and market positioning are gathered from Paid Databases (Factiva, Hoovers, and Reuters) and various other publications available in public domain.

Several associations trade associates, technical forums, institutes, societies and organization are accessed to gain technical as well as market related insights through their publications such as research papers, blogs and press releases related to the studies are referred to get cues about the market. Further, white papers, journals, magazines, and other news articles published in last 3 years are scrutinized and analyzed to understand the current market trends.

  1. Primary Research:

The primarily interview analysis comprise of data obtained from industry participants interview and answers to survey questions gathered by in-house primary team.

For primary research, interviews are conducted with industry experts/CEOs/Marketing Managers/VPs/Subject Matter Experts from both demand and supply side to get a 360-degree view of the market. The primary team conducts several interviews based on the complexity of the markets to understand the various market trends and dynamics which makes research more credible and precise.

A typical research interview fulfils the following functions:

  • Provides first-hand information on the market size, market trends, growth trends, competitive landscape, and outlook
  • Validates and strengthens in-house secondary research findings
  • Develops the analysis team’s expertise and market understanding

Primary research involves email interactions and telephone interviews for each market, category, segment, and sub-segment across geographies. The participants who typically take part in such a process include, but are not limited to:

  • Industry participants: VPs, business development managers, market intelligence managers and national sales managers
  • Outside experts: Valuation experts, research analysts and key opinion leaders specializing in the electronics and semiconductor industry.

Below is the breakup of our primary respondents by company, designation, and region:

Research Methodology

Once we receive the confirmation from primary research sources or primary respondents, we finalize the base year market estimation and forecast the data as per the macroeconomic and microeconomic factors assessed during data collection.

  1. Data Analysis:

Once data is validated through both secondary as well as primary respondents, we finalize the market estimations by hypothesis formulation and factor analysis at regional and country level.

  • Macro-Economic Factor Analysis:

We analyse macroeconomic indicators such the gross domestic product (GDP), increase in the demand for goods and services across industries, technological advancement, regional economic growth, governmental policies, the influence of COVID-19, PEST analysis, and other aspects. This analysis aids in setting benchmarks for various nations/regions and approximating market splits. Additionally, the general trend of the aforementioned components aid in determining the market's development possibilities.

  • Country Level Data:

Various factors that are especially aligned to the country are taken into account to determine the market size for a certain area and country, including the presence of vendors, such as headquarters and offices, the country's GDP, demand patterns, and industry growth. To comprehend the market dynamics for the nation, a number of growth variables, inhibitors, application areas, and current market trends are researched. The aforementioned elements aid in determining the country's overall market's growth potential.

  • Company Profile:

The “Table of Contents” is formulated by listing and analyzing more than 25 - 30 companies operating in the market ecosystem across geographies. However, we profile only 10 companies as a standard practice in our syndicate reports. These 10 companies comprise leading, emerging, and regional players. Nonetheless, our analysis is not restricted to the 10 listed companies, we also analyze other companies present in the market to develop a holistic view and understand the prevailing trends. The “Company Profiles” section in the report covers key facts, business description, products & services, financial information, SWOT analysis, and key developments. The financial information presented is extracted from the annual reports and official documents of the publicly listed companies. Upon collecting the information for the sections of respective companies, we verify them via various primary sources and then compile the data in respective company profiles. The company level information helps us in deriving the base number as well as in forecasting the market size.

  • Developing Base Number:

Aggregation of sales statistics (2020-2022) and macro-economic factor, and other secondary and primary research insights are utilized to arrive at base number and related market shares for 2022. The data gaps are identified in this step and relevant market data is analyzed, collected from paid primary interviews or databases. On finalizing the base year market size, forecasts are developed on the basis of macro-economic, industry and market growth factors and company level analysis.

  1. Data Triangulation and Final Review:

The market findings and base year market size calculations are validated from supply as well as demand side. Demand side validations are based on macro-economic factor analysis and benchmarks for respective regions and countries. In case of supply side validations, revenues of major companies are estimated (in case not available) based on industry benchmark, approximate number of employees, product portfolio, and primary interviews revenues are gathered. Further revenue from target product/service segment is assessed to avoid overshooting of market statistics. In case of heavy deviations between supply and demand side values, all thes steps are repeated to achieve synchronization.

We follow an iterative model, wherein we share our research findings with Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) until consensus view of the market is not formulated – this model negates any drastic deviation in the opinions of experts. Only validated and universally acceptable research findings are quoted in our reports.

We have important check points that we use to validate our research findings – which we call – data triangulation, where we validate the information, we generate from secondary sources with primary interviews and then we re-validate with our internal data bases and Subject matter experts. This comprehensive model enables us to deliver high quality, reliable data in shortest possible time.

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